Selasa, 31 Maret 2015

Delivery receipt letter

Covering letter
No: ___________
Type of Description

Received on ________, ____  ________

On behalf

Delayed orders letter

 No …………

……….., …. ………, 2010
To …………

Dear sir,
Re: Delayed delivery of …………..
Through this letter, we ask for your attention on our number…………. purchase order dated ……., …… ………., that its implementation has been delayed for a long time.
We have placed an order based on your opinion said that all products will arrive in our country within two months. But unfortunately, after more than 4 months, we still have not received the products.
We want proof of delivery that you have carried out and sent it via fax within a week. If not, then we have to cancel the order.



Chartering agreement letter

Chartering agreement letter
This agreement is made and signed on ____  _________  ________ between:
Name               : _______________
Age                 :________________
Address           :________________
Occupation      :________________
In this matter acts for and on behalf of a company (PT )________ located at _________ hereby incorporated in _____________ Hereinafter referred as the First Party.
 Name              : _____________
Age                 : _____________
Address           :_____________
Occupation      : _____________
 In this case acts for and on behalf of a company (PT )________ located on__________ hereby incorporated in __________ Hereinafter referred as the Second Party.
Both parties to explain everything, as follows:
That the First Party agreed to take house construction contract on projects owned by both parties and both parties received a house construction contract on the project held with the following conditions:
The parties agreed to conduct a home construction contract agreement with terms, as follows:
Clause 1
      The job is to measure and install the building foundation with number one quality materials around the area that has been determined, length of 20 meters and 10 meters wide.

Clause 2
      To hire workers or construction workers with standard wages that have been agreed between the contractor with labor, Rp ________ per day per person.

Clause 3
      Working on all details of the building in accordance with the provisions that have been made by the owner of the house and purchases building materials as stated in the letter of progress made by the home owner.

Clause 4
      Provide the worker’s consumption needs according to their needs twice a day during the execution took place.

Clause 5
      All errors that arise during the construction of building takes place, it is a responsibility of the contractor and all costs paid by the contractor.

Clause 6
      Job provider does not provide anymore additional costs due to all building construction because all cost estimation has been agreed and if there is a discrepancy which is not listed in the letter of agreement will be discussed together later on between the two parties through consultation.
Thus, the agreement is made and agreed and signed by each parties and witnesses on the date and day that is described at the beginning of the agreement, made with two legal stamps for both which have the same legal force.

First Party                                                                                                       Second Party

(..............)                                                                                                        (...................)


(Name and Address of Debtor)

__________, ____ ______,  ____
Re: balance and account number

Dear Sir,
This is a letter to remind you that your account has been delayed in amount of USD _________ since (date)____________. Please pay this account promptly. If you have already sent a check by mail, we apologize for this inconvenience and thank you for your payment.



Agreement to borrow money


On ……., ……., ….  …….. we who sign this letter, below:

………, private employees, addresses on …………, ………. . In this case acting
for and on his own. Hereinafter referred to as First Party;

……….., shop owners, street addresses on
…………., …………. . In this case acting for and on his own. Hereinafter referred to as the Second Party;

Both sides are to explain the things as follows:
1.      The Parties to ensure that each party has the authority and legal capacity to bond and do as set forth in this agreement;
2.      That on ………. …., …….., First Party has proposed a loan of Rp. ………. (……………………rupiah) to the Second Party;
3.      On the proposal from Fisrt Party, the Second Party has agreed to lend the cash amount of Rp. ………… (……………. rupiah) to First Party in ………..  ……..;
4.      First Party and Second Party have agreed that the loan payments will be made by First Party due on …   …….  .…...

So this debt agreement made in duplicate with legal stamp, each of which has the same legal force and effective since it is signed by the Parties.

…………….., …   ………,   …….

First Party                                                                                           Second Party

………….                                                                                           ………….

………….                                                                                           ……………